Friday, August 8, 2014

Lays do us a flavor review

Well folks it is that time again to vote for your favorite new flavor of chip.

And us here on stick it in your face hole are up for the challenge of trying them all for you fine people out there. So we picked up all 4 flavors to taste and see which one we liked best.

Let's start this review with the one we liked the least, and that would be Mango Salsa. Now if it was labeled as just a mango chip it would be amazing but a mango salsa I think not. You can really really taste the mango and that is pretty much it. Like my husband said in his mustard review we aren't big fans of mango so if you are then you might like this chip. Now I am sure we would like this chip if it had more of a salsa taste or if we used it with salsa, but we shouldn't have to dip it to get the flavor it is claiming to have.

Now next in line is Cheddar Bacon Mac and cheese. Don't get me wrong these are good there not great but they are damn good. Its just they are nothing new in our opinion they taste just like you would think, they have a smokey bacon flavor and they are covered in cheese. But they are just kind of basic but still good.

Next up is the Cappuccino flavor. I know what you are thinking "Omg no way so gross!" But I am hear to tell you these bad boys are good if you ask me but if you ask my husband then no no there not. Now I know this sounds weird but they taste how Starbucks smells all coffee like and kind of cinnamon with a hint of sugar, kind of like churros but with a slight salty undertone. I can see myself and maybe some of you out there crumbling some over a bowl of vanilla ice cream and chowing down.

Last but certainly not least the Wasabi Ginger. Ah these are just so very very good I couldn't stop eating these while we were testing all the chips. My husband and I can both agree these are by far the best out of the whole bunch. You get this bite from the ginger and then this slight heat from the wasabi that isn't over whelming, unless you eat the whole bag in one setting which in all honestly it totally doable. Don't get me wrong you would feel like crap for eating a whole bag of chips, but omg are they worth it. These are the ones we are voting for a 100%.

So are you guys going to try any of the new flavors? If so which one are you looking forward to trying? If you have tried any of the new flavors then tells us in the comments which one you tried and how you liked it.

But that's all for now I hope you all enjoyed this post and we will talk to you soon.

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